Specspotting: King of New York



What's the main action or dialog going on in the scene?
What is Specs doing?
Denton enters Tibby's. Specs is sitting next to Skittery at the table by the door.  He does this wierd animated lip thing.

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Racetrack:  Look at me 
I'm the King of New York!
I'm respectable 
Staring right atcha 
Lousy with stature
In the lower left hand corner of the screen it is the very famous back of Specs' head.


Jack & Racetrack: I'm the King of New York!
Everyone grabs for the paper.
Specs is one of the last ones to make an attempt to grab the paper. He's right in the middle on the bottom of the screen when he does.  This is again the very famous back of his head.


Newsies: Tip your hat. His hat is tipped.  You can see it on the left side of the screen.

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Denton: How bout that You can see his arm appear where his hat was.

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Newsies: Our man Denton. He's leading the Denton carrying people around the room.

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Kid Blink: Making a headline out of a hunch. He's right behind Kid Blink.  He grabs Blink's chair out from under him when he jumps off.

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 I gotta be either dead or dreaming
Cause look at that pape with my face beaming. 
Tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it 
But I was a star for one whole minute!
He's in the upper right hand corner on the chair.


Newsies: Starting now, I'm the King of New York! He's right in the center of the screen.

Newsies: Holy cow!
It's a miracle,
Pulitzer's crying
Weasel? He's dying!
Flashpots are shooting bright as the sun.
I'm one hifalutin' son of a gun.
He's on the table in the center of the room with Skittery.

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Newsies:  Look and see! He's still sitting with Skittery on the table.

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Newsies: (Now a striker) 
I'm the King of New York!
He's below Kid Blink by the pole.

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The end of the song. Skittery knocks his hat off.  He picks it up and puts it back on.  He's on the lower right.

Jack: Let's have some ideas
David: Well, we gotta show people where we stand.
Jack: Yeah, so we gotta stay in the papes.
Denton  My paper's the only one printing any strike news so far.
Jack:  So, we should do something that's so big the other papers'll feel stupid if they try to ignore us. Like a rally. A newsiew rally with all the kids from all over New York.  It'll be the biggest, loudest, noisiest blow-out this town's ever seen!
David: We'll send a message to the big boys.
Racetrack: Yesh, I'll give em a message.
Jack: There's a lot of us, and we ain't going away.  We'll fight until damn Doomsday if it means we get a fair shake.
David: Hey guys, to our man Denton.
Newsies: Our Man Denton!
He's behind Denton and Racetrack during this long continous scene.  You can here his ad lib after 
Jack:  We'll fight until damn Doomsday if it means we get a fair shake.
Specs says:  Right to that.


Specs: That's an unusual name for these parts. He's the one speaking.  He's next to Skittery on the stairs.


Kloppman: Oh, dangerous? You can see him Snyder on the left.  He's still on the stairs next to Skitts.

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Snyder gives money to the strike fund. You can see him again on the stairs.

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Questions and comments to magellica.